The Official Cypher Of Articulate Madness

Welcome To

Articulate Madness

Initially this site started off as an online platform to archive written work. Since then Articulate Madness has had nine lives of sorts. It’s been a Twitter clone and two other custom social media sites. It’s been an indie writer’s site. It’s been a safe haven for my satirical work. Overall, it seems once a year I go through a website midlife crisis of what it should be. As it stands it is a haven for the best satirical obituaries on the net plus my own random thoughts of books I like.

There’s been a bit of censorship wars going on, with virtue signalers and their cowardly enablers doing dumb shit trying to spook discord into the writing community via blackballing, shadowbanning, and straight out harassment.  I have had a few haters minimize my accomplishments while their tokens open their ass cheeks to give them a warn place to virtue nestle in.  Many writers will publicly ignore me but privately congratulate me and cheer me on.  It’s all bullshit.  This ain’t high school.

My writing career has been quite interesting. I’ve gotten a Pulitzer nomination for a play I wrote called Loose Squares. My novel Ghosts On The Block Never Sleep debuted Black Friday 2021 and earned me a Chinaski Award. I also spent the latter part of six months battling Amazon for censoring and shadowbanning my novel, but that’s another discussion rant you can find if you look hard enough.

Without further ado, I’m back to basics with my satire and saying whatever the fuck I want, when I want on my own shit.

One of the reasons I’m turning this site into my own perosnal digital real estate is because I enjoy writing satire and definitely enjoy writing obituaries and I’m tired of these cowards policing writing. As far as the satire goes, call it a humorous morbidity of the satirical kind. There really isn’t anywhere else for it to be. Most editors of reputable satire sites are up their own asses trying to keep up with G-rated political humor and find my stuff too edgy, raw, controversial, Black, or whatever. Lawsuits for talking about companies also doesn’t help. So I figure I have no excuse if I’m on my own shit. I can say what I want and not worry about the PC police pissed off that I like to offend snowflakes that wouldn’t laugh at a Richard Pryor concert.  As far as the live and uncensored commentary about books and other shit on my mind, I’d rather do it on my site than on Twitter.  You can’t get your panties in a bunch now bitches.  Oh, and if you retweet something I said that brings people straight to me.

Articulate Madness going forward will be nothing but uncensored, unadulterated, and unbiased in satirical coverage of obituaries. Many of my fictitious dead and gone of people and publishers have been featured in a lot of publications which are easy to find if you know where to look. From here on out all obituaries will be featured here and only here. There will be no more publishing with others. You get them from me from the source or you don’t get them.

So here I am, rising in the shadows of my own sick sense of humor.

Articulate Madness now offers the world highly acclaimed, universally tweeted, and re-imagined obituaries that hopefully will create spontaneous laughter that cannot be held in. After being rejected from some of the most ultraconservative satire sites on the net, Articulate Madness now enjoys a daily readership of a goo gob amount a people that have broken every calculator known to man, and is enough to make CNN and FOX jealous.

Welcome to the cypher of Articulate Madness (and no, Elon Musk isn’t about to buy this to add it to Twitter).

Tia Ja’nae
Editor & Founder

Do not copy my style! The first rule of writing is write about what you know, not what you think you know. So, think about what you've done in your life and write about that.
Jackie Collins

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